Rāhä Ayurveda © 2024 All rights reserved.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a nerve disorder that can have a significant impact on hand function and sensation, resulting in reduced overall hand strength. It is more commonly observed among women and individuals in the middle-aged or older demographic. While typically affecting a single hand, it can also occur in both hands simultaneously.
The carpal tunnel is a passageway situated on the inner side of the wrist, and it serves as a pathway for the median nerve. This nerve originates from the spinal cord, travels through the wrist, and terminates in the fingers. The median nerve plays a crucial role in controlling the movement and sensation of the first three fingers of the hand. When the carpal tunnel becomes constricted or the surrounding tissues, such as bones and ligaments, become inflamed, it can lead to compression of the median nerve. This compression results in a slowdown or blockage of nerve impulses, leading to symptoms such as numbness and, in some cases, weakness.
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