Tag: Headaches

  • Stress and Migraine: What is the Connection?

    Stress and Migraine: What is the Connection?

    Are you familiar with the correlation between stress and migraine attacks? It’s a well-documented phenomenon, with research indicating stress as a primary trigger for migraine episodes. In a notable study involving 1000 individuals suffering from migraines, a staggering 80% identified stress as a significant trigger. Many studies shows that four out of five migraine sufferers…

  • RAHA’s Ayurvedic & Integrated Functional Approach to Treating Sinus Issues

    RAHA’s Ayurvedic & Integrated Functional Approach to Treating Sinus Issues

    Introduction Sinusitis, referred to as “pinasa” in Ayurveda, is a condition characterized by inflammation or swelling of the sinuses’ lining, resulting in a range of discomforting symptoms. Normally filled with air, the sinuses can become obstructed and collect fluid, providing a breeding ground for harmful germs. Ayurveda offers holistic approaches to manage and alleviate sinusitis,…

  • Ayurvedic Treatment for Managing Computer Vision Syndrome

    Ayurvedic Treatment for Managing Computer Vision Syndrome

    In our fast-paced digital world, many of us spend countless hours staring at computer screens for work, learning, or leisure activities. Unfortunately, this prolonged screen exposure can lead to a common issue known as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). This blog post aims to explore the possible remedies and preventive measures for managing Computer Vision Syndrome…